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13.04.02: L'Atmosphère, rue Lucien Sampoix / Quai de Valmy
To begin wth, Jaime had an obsession with finding a salsa club and trying to pick up women. Even though I was getting an unusually large number of calls this weekend, he seemed distinctly unsatisfied with the prospect of simply hanging out with my friends. However, as we sat at my palce with Pariscope and other sundry listings, he also didn't seem capable of expressing a categorical desire or making a decision when the choices were presented to him (this would become painfully clear on the trip to Spain, when yours truly the non- hispanophone had to do most of the information-gathering). We did wind up getting together with Nathalie and Thomas (and James), and indeed we went to an overpriced salsa concert near Bastille, where Jaime got to revel in having asked one woman to dance. Before that, though, at Nathalie's suggestion we met at this neat café on the Canal St. Martin where a hyperactive gypsy trio was playing a frantic show in its cramped quarters. I, at least, was pleased.

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