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20.08.01: Le Cristal, boulevard Voltaire / rue de Cressol
When my parents visited, one of my father's tasks seems to have been taking care of the laundry -- more than likely as a strategy to gain time to read and smoke and to avoid museums and shopping. At my laverie in the 14e, someone noticed him being very hesitant about taking his eye off the laundry bag while the clothes did their thing. The fellow turned out to be an American, who told him to forget his "American paranoia" and to not worry about it being stolen. I certainly never did, either going home or to a café to pass the time. The 11e, however, was a different neighbourhood from 14e, and after a coffee outdoors at a totally charmless place just up the road, I came back to find I'd donated my rolling duffle bag to someone's travel expense account.

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