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24.12.00: Les Gobelins, avenue des Gobelins / rue Abel Hovelacque
Christmas Eve, the night before my own parents come to Paris, Raphe and Sarah arrive to visit his dad, who's been living in the 13e for the past few months. Quite exciting to get the phone call, I must admit, but why the hell wouldn't they come to my place, since I was living in the coolest and most welcoming apartment of my life to date. Oh well, since I'm the one to accommodate and give up his nebulous wants and desires, I hop on the 6-métro a few stops over to their place. No, wait -- I may have it wrong. I might've already spent the day with the Goldmans, going to the Louvre and what not, but when we got back to his dad's place and movie plans failed to pan out, I couldn't convince them with multiple hints to come over to my place, so we took a walk into the Butte aux Cailles in search of somewhere cool to hang. But it being Christmas, barely anything was open, and in the end we had to settle for this nondescript dive down the block from his dad's place.

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