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29.10.00: Café Daguerre, avenue du Général Leclerc / rue Daguerre
Ken and Zoe's pendaison de crémaillaire went on long enough that with my bearings in the city still not quite there, I thought I should sleep over rather than either wait for the first metro around 5:30 or walk back -- not realizing that I really lived bared a half-hour away (a slowly figuring out just how walkable any distance in Paris really is). But I was going to be moving a few blocks away from them the next week, so it seemed nice enough to wake up with the usual suspects on a clear Sunday morning and head out for brunch, which turned into a major trek about town, featuring the first foray deep into the 5e, with stops at the Grand Mosquée, with its mint tea for 10 FF in the courtyard, and the Jardin des Fleurs.

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