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14.06.02: Le Godet d'Or, Place Michel Audriard / rue du Couédic
This one I really had almost forgotten about. It was in fact the joint closest to my apartment in the 14e, just down the block on that odd intersection with the quasi-roundabout and curved building façades. It had been much too intimidating back in the day; I don't think I ever even saw a woman in there. So it's hard to say what might have empowered me this time, other than the sunshine, or else nostalgia, bordering on imminent regret. But the whole space -- the cobbled roundabout, the barely-decorated interior, the curtained windows of the adjoining restaurant -- actually had a very friendly, villagey feel, which made enough sense, given that until it was annexed by the city Paris in 1860, this was, after all, the village of Montrouge.

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