
01.05.01: Le Buffon, rue de Vaugirard / boulevard Pasteur
So I survived an April in Paris in which there was at least some rainfall on 26 of its 30 days, which was newsworthy even by northern European standards, and which apparently brought on a spike in reported cases of depression. And on this sunny May Day férié, a major breakthrough in my tenure as a resident of Paris: along with my first official stop at a café in the 15e (the largest and, in touristic terms, least noteworthy arrondissement), it's also the first time I run into people I know while perched at a café, having sat down on the terrasse not fifteen mintues earlier. It's Sue and Vince, walking back from the lab along the city's longest singly-named street. And so, in the spirit of treating the moment as a campus-like random meeting of friends, I up and go with them back to Sue's for god knows what -- had we started playing spades yet?
