
11.06.02: Le Poète, avenue Victor Hugo
Plenty of people have plenty of interesting things to do in the 16e; I was not one of them. It may have more museums than any other arrondissement, for instance, but it's also got more old ladies with poodles. Certainly none of my friends lived there, save Ben Duforest early on (in a very swank apartment near the Porte Dauphine). But the 16e was home to the Fondation Gulbenkian, some sort of Luso-centric cultural institution founded by an Armenian philanthropist with a fondness for things Portuguese. I rode all the way out there only to find myself at a complete loss as to what I actually hoped to get out of it. The best I could do was to finally get the 16e on the board by stopping for a coffee, where I had the privilege of sitting next to one of the most annoying listeners of a portable CD player ever. Oh, he's in the photo alright.
