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22.05.01: La Coupe d'Or, rue St. Honoré / rue du Marché St. Honoré
I can't remember if I ran into Sara at the BN this time by chance or by design, but it's pretty hard to imagine it wasn't the latter. In any case, the rest of the day was much closer to chance, with a Chinese meal at everyone's favourite elbow-knocker, followed by inscrutable new Goddard film over at Bastille. Earlier, of course, was the requisite coffee, in the vicinity of the BN itself. Now, since Sara can't do caffeine, she carries decaffeinated teabags with her, because such things are beyond the comprehension of the French and their beverage mores. But she goes through the motion of asking for decaffeinated tea, to which they answer no, and then asks for just some water. This dude was sharper than most, and figured out that she wanted, in his words, a "thé sans thé." When he came back with the drinks, he let us know that we had the kitchen in stitches.

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