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05.10.01: Le Sévigné, rue Payenne / rue du Parc Royal
An important date was fast approaching, since I was due to fly back to Montreal for a quick ten days next week. But true to form, I was getting anxious about all sorts of relevant and not-so-relevant stresses: Jon's wedding, the inevitable visit to Ithaca, the lapsed carte de séjour, the ambiguity of my current status, the very act of getting on a plane less than a month after 9/11. Therefore denial and avoidance seemed to be the best strategy. I picked up some new brake pads to replace the barely-there set that came with the bike. Not sure why I rode over to the 3e to install them, but I'd had my eye on this little café anyway, and the little park just next to it was teeming with little ones. A little stereotypical quaintness, why not.

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