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18.06.02: Le Marécage, rue Vieille du Temple / rue du Perché
When I'm smitten with someone, even if it's unreciprocated, I tend to be very generous with my time and energies - maybe to a fault. In this particular instance, Ruth had asked me to pick up some dossiers for her at some office in the 11e, ostensibly because it was more convenient for me given the deadline involved. She said she'd swing by my apartment later or the next day to pick them up, but being the generous soul I am I rode them right over to her place. I'm not sure what happened next; whatever I did or didn't suggest, she was expecting her dude, which meant I was persona non grata, and I probably didn't hide my disappointment. As I walked down the stairs, I heard her door not shut. I stopped. She called my name. I answered, but didn't move. She asked me to come back up, which I did. She sat me down, and proceeded to tell me something to the effect of how she'd spent all this time thinking about whether she should really be going out with me, since I was by all measures perfect for her, yada yada yada. I suppose I could've "seized the day" with some dramatic move of my own = actively attempting to steal someone else's girl, at this point. But for whatever reason or inhibition, I got up, made some (self-)assuaging comment or other to avoid any further honesty, and took off for some extra-strength sulking and wallowing at a café.

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