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04.05.02: Le Petit Monaco, rue de Picardie
Now here's a place that could testify to both the surprises that Paris yields and to the intimidation that I, at least, can let these discoveries cause. Tucked in behind the insanity at République and the more civilised bustle of the rue de Bretagne is a genuine haven of urban calm. The café was at the outer edge of small set of streets (perpendicular, as a matter of fact) surrounding some sort of covered market. I'm pretty sure that Josh, Leah and I had walked by it back in September, but it seemed to be more of a brocante than the regular fruit & vegetable market. There was a slicker cybercafé a few doors away, but I'd had my eye on this little place for many weeks now riding back from the BN. But when a place seems this local, this secluded, it can take me awhile to go for it. Things turned out just fine - many many dogs to keep everyone entertained.

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