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24.08.01: La Petite Chaise, rue du Pont aux Choux / boulevard des Filles du Calvaire
So the bikeride to Ireland didn't go so smoothly. About an hour after setting out from Granville, the brace for the fantastic Go Sports handlebar bag snapped. Okay, minor equipment failure. A few hours later, it was major physical failure, with a sharp and debilitating pain in the back of my right knee that barely got me to Bricquebec, where I had to spend the night and abandon my Irish dreams. At least all this happened within a week of buying the bag, so back in Paris I swapped if for the smaller model. The mysterious knee pain also coompletely disappeared once I got back, so I got right back to planning anew. I now had a smaller window of time before Josh and Leah arrived, so I'd narrowed it down to the itineraries through Bourgogne or Champagne. Pros and cons are best weighed on the terrasse of a small café, of course, with a elderly moustachioed barkeep and just a few tables to keep me company.

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