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28.12.00: Café des Phares, rue St. Antoine / rue de la Bastille
Die Fliedermaus, Le Chauve-souris, The Bat - that Strauss sure could write an opera. Was it just me, or did the choreography involve one too many swastikas as seen from above? Never mind, it's time for the Strolovitches and the Goldmans to attempt the obligatory "our sons are friends from way back in college, we're here in Paris, let's do something together, especially since we've gone to the same opera." Well, under the circumstances, things worked out just fine. The wandering-until-we-agree-on-a-place-that'll-let-us-in lasted only slightly longer than most of us could tolerate. So we end up at a place right back on the Place de la Bastille, albeit one known for its Sunday morning philosophy discussions. Tonight, though, it's crepes all round. Raphe's didn't sit too well, however, and although we make it down to Conolly's Corner in the 5e (where quick thinking averts some tie carnage), they bail on true reverie.

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