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07.01.01: Le Reflet, rue Champollion
Well the first week of the millennium doesn't mean that Sundays are any less lonely, so once again I turn to Joe's guide for advice. Since it's a sunny Sunday, naturally I end up at one of the darker places, the one Joe describes as the best place to work on your novel, despite the faux-film-set decor (there are three cinemas on this tiny block). I've got no novel to write, but Crime & Punishment is almost finished. For that matter, I resolve on the walk home to finish it off before Tanya arrives in town, so anotheer coffee is in order. This second place seems like it must've been a big deal at one point: ornate wrought-iron exterior, sort-of trendy black-themed interior - and it's right across the street from Proust's (and Hemingway's?) hangout, La Closerie des Lilas.

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