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17.03.01: Au Saint Séverin, rue de la Huchette / Place St. Michel
Seems like St. Patrick's day is as much a Parisian event as it is an Iirish one, given the number of Irish folks - hell, just plain anglophones - and Irish pubs in town. Our plan was to meet at Flann O'Brien, a pub that's so central (a block away from the Louvre) that it's usually rather quiet. Not on this night, however, and with the throng spilling ot into the street I didn't even bother wading my way inside. Off to the cinema: an odd documentary about street musicians in Sao Paolo, Saudade do futuro. Just beforehand, though, all dejected and poopy, I get to buy my most expensive express yet (20 FF) while grabbing a drink on the terrasse at one of Place St. Michel's massive tourist cafés.

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