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13.10.00: Au Sauvignon, rue de Sèvres / rue des Saints Pères
With actual work-related duties still a good weekend away, the wandering has finally become accompanied by some worthwhile reading, in this case a strong recommendation from Joe, The Eternal Husband by Dostoyevsky - though in this case a French translation bought from a Seine-side bouqiniste a week or two before. This end-of-day stop was all about the name, since this café seems to be a particularly popular spot for everyone to pick up their cigarettes. I plunk down at the end of the one row of sidewalk tables, and nearly finish the novella despite the wind. But you just can't put a good book down, and upon beginning the walk home from Le Québec, this café's interior (photograph and knickknacks on the walls, kind of deli-esque) pulls me inside for another coffee and those final chapters.

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