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20.09.01: Le Caducée, rue des Saints-Pères / rue de l'Université
I had turned down a position as Maître de langues at another university further out toward Disneyland. It paid better than the lecteur post at Paris-XII, but probably required me to be on campus four days a week. But I had a ridiculous sense of destiny with regard to my final year of Cornell fellowship, figuring that by using it as expected I would either re-energize my floundering research, or else take the money and run with it another year in Paris. Either way, I avoided upsetting the default schedule of events, and having to really account anyone as to my "progress." But I did have to find a way to structure my time usefully, and back in March I'd decided (albeit too late to get full-fledged student status) to enroll in the three Jewish language courses at INALCO. So once the registration period opened up I headed over to the main campus in the 7e to enroll as an auditor - a relatively painless procedure, which even netted a fourth language, the all-day four-session Persian suite. Enrollment itself was smooth, but the registration packet was another story - although like many things bureaucratic in France, most of the bewilderingly detailed information is deceptively repetitive and largely irrelecant. Since I was left to discover this myself, however, I headed over to the nearest café, already populated by student-y types (some faculty of somtething at Paris-IV) is also just up the rue des Saints-Pères), and got down to planning my academic year.

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