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17.05.02: Les 3 Colonnes, rue Pierre Semard / square Montholon
Alright, I'll admit that I worked in a stop at this little restaurant as a way to justify the excellent photographic opportunity (little-appreciated fact: apart from the photos associated with cafés, I really took no other pcitures in Paris -- it would have been painfully arbitrary, this late in the game). That said, I had passed through this square twice before, on the way home from Clichy: once biking along the main road on the other side of the square, and another time walking back along the road at the top of the staircase. And frankly, the layout struck me enough both times to warrant a concerted visit. It's a totally nondescript part of the 9e, but the whole 9e has a certain nondescriptness that I came to appreciate a great deal.

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