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10.04.01: Le Sarah Bernhardt, Avenue Victoria / Place du Châtelet
Only a few days before I take off for Brussels to meet Joe and Robin for the Rise-of-the-Bourgoisie-Merchant-Class roadtrip through Flanders, so I'm reading up on, well, the rise of the bourgoisie merchant class, or at least as much as can be gleaned from Le Guide du Routard. In reality, our trip is two tours: for Joe, it's some of the major works of Northern Renaissance art in situ, while for me it's some of the major works of Belgian Brewing in situ. I would certainly come to be a fan of the so-called "Flemish primitives" as a result of the trip, but I was duly impressed by the fact that nearly every po-dunk café in Belgium had four or five distinctive beers on tap, each with its own distinctive glassware, and each with its very reasonable price - not to mention the places with more extensive offerings. So why not hang around at the very hub of Paris public transportation (which you'd really have no reason to do otherwise) and get acquainted.

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