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14.03.02: Le Valmy, rue Eugene Varlin / Quai de Valmy
There has been the occasional discrepancy with the names for these cafés, such as this one. The marquee outside clearly reads Le Valmy, but the bill I got for my (very yummy) crème said Au Quai 145, referring to its street number presumably. Whatever the name, it was a charming place on the Canal St. Martin, with a good-looking clientele and even a dude in the corner working on his Mac. I'd be back here in a couple of months with Karolina, but today it was a stop on the way home from Haggada shopping for the Seder. Ruth had volunteered to host. I wound up getting one at the Judaica shop in the 19e where Josh had looked for a kitl, a lovely "trilingual" edition (French / Hebrew / Hebrew transcription in French orthography -- hilarious). What was actually more surprising was running into a student in my Judeo-Spanish class named Gaël, who worked there part-time (ran into her again not far from my house during the massive May Day protest). There's no doubt I would like to have made more of that connection, but at least for the moment I was for some reason much too tongue-tied.

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