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25.08.01: Brasserie de l'Est, boulevard de Strasbourg / rue du 8 Mai 1945
What can I say, I find it intensely satisfying to unexpectdly run into a friend and wind up makig a day or evening of it -- especially in a place a vast place like Paris where I've got relatively few "local" footholds. In this case, it was at Gare de l'Est, where I was checking the schedules to Champagne, which was still a possibility for biking, where I saw Mark, who was there to meet former lectrice Jodi and her friend Claire, who were coming in from Strasbourg. It wasn't too much to convince me to join them for a drink (was I cramping anyone's style?), though normally I'd obviously avoid the café across from the train station like the plague. Well, what's 54 FF for a demi among friends. Seems like they weren't in too much of a hurry to get out to Mark's place in Montgeron, though, since we went on to look for a dinner spot, winding up at a perfectly cute bistro just off the Canal St. Martin called L'Insensée. Food and wine into the night.

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