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16.05.02: Le Bistrot de Paris, rue de Charonne / rue Faidherbe
If you could count on one thing from Serge, it was that he'd come out to see a new Woody Allen movie. I had gone to the last one in December with Ruth, but she was super-busy these days, and I probably expected a bit less from our relationship at this point anyway. What was more of a suprise was Karloina showing up to meet us (since I might still have been expecting something from that relationship at this point), given that she'd expressed very little enthusiasm for it. In fact the movie was something of a disappointment, but she and Serge managed to hit it off. I probably figured as much, since they shared a well-read and soft-spoken disposition. I'm pretty sure he was also giving me a silent thumbs-up for what he assumed was my latest liason, expressly inviting her over with me one night for dinner. For now, we took a stroll after the film and nearly stopped for a drink at one of the only un-gentrified, un-trendified cafés in the Bastille area, but with no one else inside we self-conscioused out. Instead we continued on toward Serge's place and sat down at a this classy but less scene-conscious place across from the notorious Pause Café, of some fame or another.

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