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04.12.00: L'An Vert du Décor, rue de la Roquette / Rue de Lappe
Smack in the middle of the rue de Lappe / rue de la Roquette vomiting-Dutch-tourist heart of the Bastille ­ what possessed us to stop here on the way back from Créteil? I, for one, was en route to Yiddish, and had resolved to use the lag between the end of work and class at 7:00 to hang around parts of town not otherwise on my daily itinerary. We probably made some pseudo-last-minute decision to stay on the metro at Daumesnil, and having arrived at Bastille, made another semi-decision to leap off and grab a drink. So in all its arbitrary hipness, this place did just fine. Ken left me to do my Yiddish homework eventually; is it just my imagination, or did she in fact ask what it was I was working on?

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