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19.03.02: Italian Style Café, rue St. Sébastien / rue Amelot
I'll say it right up front, in all its sappy glory: this goes down as one my favourite café moments. Ruth and I had gone to see the world's slowest movie (yes, aptly enough, The Fast Runner) in the world's steamiest cinema (yes, the film was shot on location in the Arctic). She didn't mind walking up the boulevard Beaumarchais with me to the line 8 métro stop nearest my house, but it took some coaxing to get her to sit for a drink before we truly called it a night. I might never have stopped at this place otherwise (yes, because of the name). But we wound up having a phenomenal time thinking about how we were going to pull off this Passover seder event at her place. Between the moonlit street corner, the nearby traffic at a pleasant distance, and the bonding over family angst, this was as good as it gets -- maybe even enough to ignore the ever-unrequited crush.

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