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04.04.02: Café Léopard, boulevard Voltaire / Cité de Phalsbourg
Occasionally I do stop at a café with a very concerted and appropriate purpose in the mind. In this case I was on the way home from helping Ruth get ready for the world's most tightly-packed Passover seder, but really didn't want to fill the time sitting around my apartment with the folks waiting to leave. So the solution was to sit for an unidiomatic demi of my favourite (and not always so easy to come by) Irish stout -- the marquee is what drew my attention to this place in the first place. What was odd was seeing that young fervent dude from the Roquette synagogue also sitting for a beer on Erev Pesach, since my impression of the more observant Parisian Jews was that they didn't so much do as the Romans did, much less when Judaism called.

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