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21.05.02: Nun's Café, rue St. Maur
As quickly as he'd returned to Paris, James was on his way out again, so we got togetther with Erika for a final night of low-key revelry. We started out at La Mercerie, naturally, but by evening's end we were sitting protected from the drizzle under the awning of this low-key spot just up the block from high-key Oberkampf. Karolina and Erika (well, mostly Karolina) had the usual "do we try to catch the last métro" debate around 12:30, but the ceremony of the evening kept them from heading home early (I think James may have even offered to pay their cab fare). We all headed back to my apartment when the place closed at 2-ish, and I think the two of them were more or less ready to crash there, but maybe it was the hokey candlelight chill-out that convinced Karolina that she had to leave now.

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