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07.06.02: Le Popincourt, rue du Chemin Vert / rue du Popincourt
I have a distinct memory (vision?) of riding down the a street in the taxi when I first arrived in Paris almost two years earlier, of being able to visualize for the first time where I might be living by watching the short blocks of somewhat indistinct apartments go by. And since it was just before I arrived at Serge's place, I have a feeling that this was while going down the rue du Popincourt. There's no way to confirm it, of course, but I tell that story mostly to distract from the fact that with this café just down the road from my apartment, I violated my prime directive of not taking the picture before I've actually been to the café. It was at the tail end of a manic and successful day of photographing, and I was intending at some point to stop for a coffee anyway, and the two dudes in the window were just too perfectly posed for me to paass it up. I snapped, rode around for another 20 minutes, and then went in to make it all official.

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