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05.03.02: L'Aligre, rue du Faubourg St. Antoine / rue d'Aligre
Everyone's allowed a sick day now and then, which meant I had a perfectly fine excuse for skipping class today. What I didn't do was let any sickly feeling get in the way of meeting up with Nathalie to snap up some more cheap theatre tickets, this time for a stern Holocaust drama called Kindertransport, put on at a Jewish arts centre of sorts in the lower 5e (convienetly not far from Connelly's Corner). First, though, we sat for a coffee at this moderately trendy place up the road from the market of the same name. I'd often admired its la-z-boy-like chairs, you see (seating really is a crucial and overlooked feature), although Nathalie and I sat at a window table, because in my sniffly feverishness I'd probably have dozed off in one of the more comfortable armchairs.

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