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10.05.02: Au Cadran Breton, rue de l'Arivée / avenue du Maine
The trains from Brittany all arrive in Paris at the Gare Montparnasse, which at least partly accounts for the density of crêperies on the surrounding streets. Ken and I had once set out specifically in search of a Breton watering hole, but came up empty (for that matter, I swear there was one in my neck of the 14e, just off avenue du Maine). So when Brian mentioned a Breton café in the area that he wanted to check out, I was fully up for it. We actually began the evening at Chez Georges, a miniscule but evocative wine bar just off the Place St. Sulpice. As for the Cadran Breton, it held up in some ways: the Coreff they had on tap was certainly Breton, and the bar-band playing there that night (Qasar?) may well have hailed from Brittany. But I think it was best we moved on to the café outside the Lucernaire cinema, even if it didn't seem to have its usual sheen of artsy hipness and, more seriously, they were out of Leffe.

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