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07.05.02: Le Chinon, rue des Abbesses / rue Audran
In the interest of full disclosure, there's a photograph on this page of a semi-famous café I never actually made it to, even though I did snap it from an apartment on the first floor across the street. It's the Amélie Poulin café as seen from James' apartment, which he's leaving today to return to Montreal. The place where we actually sat for lunch was around the corner, because everything on the rue Lepic, from coffee to pork loins, had jumped up in price since the film had brought the street its current fame. But a goood photo-op can't be passed up, and I may have had a vague notion of stopping in there later in the day. As it was, I hung around while James did some final cleaning, met Michelle when she came back, and rode on home to the 11e.

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