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30.05.02: La Grille Montorgueuil, rue Tiquetonne / rue Montorgueuil
As Josh bluntly put it, they were sending their friend Elisheva to Paris, to me. Her trip was a little more independent and varied than that, but there would be at least a couple of days to hang out here. I vaguely remembered her from their wedding, one of the less intense of the Berkeley Jews. We arranged to meet outside the Louvre, where Karolina joined me in waiting for someone I could barely visualize or even remember. Many furtive glances later we did find one another, and with Louvre-induced hunger her most pressing concern, I suggested a certain quasi-bagel shop near the BN. It was closed, however, so we veered back down the rue Montorgueuil, but even the place we did sit down at wasn't serving food, except in fermented liquid form - which was fine for all concerned. Elisheva whipped out her sketchbook, and discovered the joys of a sun-drenched Leffe.

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