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23.06.02: Le Saint Amour, boulevard Ménilmontant / avenue Gambetta
And the last-ing continues. With impeccable timing, Vince was passing through Paris with a couple of colleagues from Lausanne, so we managed to meet for an afternoon ramble up the Champs Elysées [ed. note: last time], preceded by coffee and what not at whatever that café in the Jardin des Tuileries is called. From there I got my rocks off biking clear across town to see Bertrand, the only member of my first Yiddish class under the age of 50. I'd been over to his place a couple of times (most notably just before 9/11, when Josh got me to uncomfortably invite ourselves over for Shabbat), and he'd been all too happy to set me up with all sorts of Hebreo-friendly software. He, Karine, and their daughter Eden (born shortly after I first started at Médem) were all about homey low-keyness today, but we wound up going for an excellenet walk in the neighbourhood, setting down for a bit at this corner café (after discovering one of their favourites was closed). I'm not sure why I felt I needed a beer, especially once Eden decided she might need some of it too. Even at this late stage of my Paris game, I probably just still couldnąt brook the idea of paying for a drink less ceremonious that beer or coffee.

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