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26.05.02: Flag Café, boulevard Beaumarchais / Place de la Bastille
One fairly odd feature of hanging out with Karolina is that there are rarely any other people involved or even mentioned. She'd often join us when Mark or Brian and I met for a pint, and of course I had met her through James in the first place, but she seemed to keep anyone else she knew out of sight. Today was almost a break in that pattern, as we were supposed to meet a former roommate of hers and go see The Seven Year Itch. We spent the first part of the day out in the 20e at an open house of various artists' workshops, a sort of low-key arts festival known as Belleville Portes Ouvertes. Walking over from my place to the cinema in the 5e, we stopped at one of the Bastille cafés for a true quickie of a coffee, where I could tell she was already hoping this friend would not show up for the film. She pretty much made the wish come true; we waited all of 40 seconds before going inside. Her friend arrived about 20 minutes into the movie, but not being able to find us, left a message and bailed. The mystery lives on.

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