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28.01.02: La Brasserie de l'Isle St. Louis, Quai de Bourbon / rue Jean du Bellay
Back in town after five weeks regrouping in Montreal and Ithaca, with a new resolve for dissertation research (read: justification for travel to Italy, England, and Portugal). First was a manuscript to be examined in Parma, so I immediately set myself to various tasks such as shopping for guidebooks or looking into train travel options. At the end of my first full day back, I stopped for a vin chaud on the Ile St. Louis and soaked in my return with a sort-of sunset and a sort-of accordian serenade. This was probabbly the first time that coming up out of the métro at Richard-Lenoir I had a real sense of coming home. Ironically, although they had barely glanced at my visa-less passport, this would actually be my last genuine Paris homecoming.

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