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29.06.01: Le Rouquet, boulevard St. Germain / rue des Saint-Pères
So about that bike I bought. I needed something as soon as I got back, and something I got. But very quickly, this bicycle did its utmost to keep the chain from staying on the chainrings. After a week or so it was regularly falling off at least twice a day. Before I brought it in a second time in July for repairs -- only to have it declared irreperable -- I nearly tossed it into the Seine when I lost the chain for a fifth time one day crossing over toward Châtelet. At this point the problem was still mild, and with time to kill on the way to meeting Sue et al. for pizza near St. Germain, I stop in the nigh-perfect late-day sun streaming down the boulevard for a coffee and some reading about Languedoc, where I'm due to head with the parents next week. A very un-St. Germain place, this one, with a kind of dowdy and classroom-like decor.

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