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10.03.01: Les Mouettes, rue du Bac / rue de Babylone
I swear I thought at the time that it was The House of Mirth that Joe suggested I go see (wrong, it was Memento; what's to get excited about an affected Edith Wharton period piece starring Sculley). At least it got me over to La Pagode, a creepily distinctive Japanese-y space, which would have been my only neighbourhood cinema had I kept living in the chambre de bonne, Montparnaase notwithstanding. After the film that ends in suicide, I amble down the rue de Babylone to this small corner café not far from the Left Bank's only department store (the photo doesn't do justice to the scaffolding enshrouding it at the time), and stuff myself into an oddly-placed table at the back behind some kind of pillar, and bear down for a chapter or two of Dostoyevsky. Maybe that's why despite the late-day sun I grab one of my few daytime bus rides home.

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