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29.03.02: Le Florès, rue du Bac / rue de Grenelle
And so the parents have come in Paris for a third time. Truth be told, this was the perfect time to visit: still before the high season, but the drear of winter has largely passed - and American college spring breaks are over too. I joined them first for a few days out in Brittany, which featured my last real logisitical gaffe in Paris, when I didn't figure out the best métro route to Montparnasse and we had to do a luggage-laden mad-dash (we did make the train, but with no more than 30 seconds to spare before it started to roll out). By the time they were back in Paris it was Passover, which my mother was intent on observing to whatever degree possible. Now I had made some effort to get the appropriate provisions, but some concessions were going to have to be made by the most devoted member of the household - which, in all fairness, she did when push came to shove (still, only after weeks of anxious requests of me, of course). For instance, on our way to check out the small Musée Malliol in the 7e, she was perfectly willing to have a cold salad at this unexceptional café, even if the dishware probably hadn't been koshered (could've asked, I guess...).

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