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29.01.02: Le Cour de Rome, rue de la Pépinière / rue de Rome
I phoned Ruth from the Gare St. Lazare for some advice on how best to orchestrate my trip to Italy, but she seemed a little put out by this self-centered excuse for to call. As it was I was succumbing to my inability to choose from among the options. How many days in Parma? Buy the ticket ticket all the way to Florence? What about Ferrara and those other towns of Judaic interest? I came up with enough of a plan to buy a ticket, but something about it felt forced, as though the travel agent within me was unwilling to put more effort into this solitary excursion to the wilds of Italy. It seemed the best way to deal with it was to head to the generic café across from the station, where, ironically, some Italian businessmen were having their own generic lunch.

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