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05.12.01: Les Oiseaux, Place d'Anvers / rue de Dunkerque
It's strange to be without bicycle some days, but it happens, and when the sky is threatening I have no desire to be riding back from Clichy in the rain. But leaving it at home, of course, means that it doesn't rain, so after another session at the AIU I wend through some of less-accessible parts of the 9e, winding up at a café just across from the very stately Square d'Anvers. It's hard to tell whether the retro interior of this place is authentic or not. What is clear is that none of the patrons -- pretty much all male -- is partaking of anything but coffee, and when I take out the Yiddish Forverts I'm not sure what I may be getting myself into. That would be the Jewish paranoia talking.

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