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01.02.02: Café Extra Old, rue du Faubourg St. Antoine / rue des Immeubles Industriels
As if to emphasize my state of limbo, a group outing with the Italian posse: Ruth, sister Daniela, boyfriend Abel (not so much Italian as Camerounian) and Carlo, a friend of theirs visitng from, well, Italy. I quite liked this place, located out at the less infested end of the Faubourg St. Antoine, but not quite in the more drab zone of Nation. It was inevitable that we talk Italy some, even though Ruth was probably getting a bit tired of hearing about my issues (this would partly come to a head over a certain sleeping bag before going to England, and explode -- in a helpful way -- when she came over dinner after I'd gotten back). But in some way another, I finally worked out a Parma-Bologna plan, to be followed by a Leeds-Oxford-Cambridge odyssey. When Ruth saw me off at the Gare de Bercy a few days later, I had the distinct feeling that Judeo-Portuguese would never be the same.

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