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20.06.02: Le Flash, 64, boulevard Voltaire
A café can't get more local than the one on the ground floor of your own building. Still, in almost a year of living at no. 64, I'd never set foot in the generic-as-can-be joint right outside my front door. I'd sort of been saving it for the end, ideally for a coffee on my very last morning waking up in Paris. But circumstance only slightly beyond my control made it inevitable today. You see, if your landlady doesn't tell you that she got the letter informing tenants that the digicodes to the building are going to be changed, you might not find out until you come home to find that the digicodes have been changed. This had already happened once last year, but another tenant showed up quickly enough to let me in and pass on me the new codes. No such luck this time, though, so I passed as much time as I could at the café while Ingrid took as much time as she could to fetch the letter with the new codes.

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