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11.05.01: Le Reinitas, boulevard Richard-Lenoir / rue St. Sébastien
Yet another first day of summer, although this time it's for real, as in I get nice and sweaty walking about town. In the afternoon it's the first chance to meet Ingrid, my future landlady. Sara had told me as far back as February that Grace would not be taking her flat next year (in fact, while Oriana was around to "share the joy"), and that I was next in line if I wanted it. At that point it wasn't clear that I'd be staying a second year, but if I was, I'd have to move out of my place in the 14e. A couple of months of vague commitment ensued, but now it was going to be official (although hardly instantaneous as far as Ingrid's dealing with the paperwork). So the three of us meet a one of the little joints right around the corner. Ingrid's a huge fan of Sara, so I'm already in like Flynn, so much so that within a few minutes she suggests we can tutoie each other, i.e. cut the formal addressing. I've got to admit it took some time getting used to not using vous with a non-peer, but who am I to argue with progress.

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